Isobel Bird
Special feature: This PerfectBound e-book contains Part One of an interview with author Isobel Bird.
With this ribbon I do bind
My heart to yours and yours to mine.
Love, I call you, come to me,
As is my will, so mote it be.
Kate cast the love spell with results unforeseen.She cannot stop it by herself, but the book of spells tells her of two strangers who can help her — if only she can find them.
Special feature: This PerfectBound e-book contains: An interview with Isobel Bird, part two
Joined together hand in hand our circle gathers round, to work our magic, weave the web, and dance on sacred ground. By the goddess we are called, witch to witch and friend to friend, to merry meet, and merry part, and merry meet again.
A book of spells brought Kate, Cooper, and Annie together. The three are compelled to learn more, and the
...On the eve of fair midsummer,
Longest day and shortest night,
Faerie magic, fill these woods,
With joyous song and laughter bright.
Midsummer's eve finds Kate, Annie, and Cooper celebrating the most joyous sabbat with nature — and a few not unwelcome strangers. On a night when identities and emotions become tangled and confused under the strange solstice sky, one will be led astray.
Reach inside and choose your challenge, Find the path that you must travel. What trials have you to overcome? What mysteries shall you unravel?
Of her circle, Kate has always struggled the most in learning the ways of the Craft. As her Wiccan initiation approaches, a final challenge threatens to overcome her at last.
Show me places cloaked in secrets,
pierce the gloom of darkest night.
Reveal that which has been hidden,
Let Me see with second sight.
Kate, Annie, and Cooper are Wiccans — joined by magic bound to nature. Their dreams have turned to visions of a missing girl, calling to them for help....
Ever moving, ever changing, stars and planets come and go. Those who watch their movements say, "As is above, so is below."
Astrology—the study of the stars—is said to reveal the truths of the universe. Cooper, Kate, and Annie find this to be alarmingly true, and their progress on the Wiccan path is nearly undone by what the stars tell them.
Cards of fortune, tell your I story,
Answer all I've come to ask
let the draw set forth the course
of what has been and yet may pass
Annie's fascination with Tarot spirals beyond her control when her readings become reality. As if cursed, Annie faces friends Cooper and Kate with this newfound power—a power that threatens the very strength of their Wiccan bond.
The five-pointed star is the Wiccan symbol of the Spirit, and that's how Cooper wears it. Those not versed in the ways of the Craft find it unsettling, however. Will Cooper, Annie, and Kate be able to withstand the tide of controversy bearing down upon them?
Tonight you take the last step on Your journey of a year and a day. Welcome home, o new-made witch, And in our circle rest and stay.
The joyful culmination of a year and a day's dedication—Kate, Annie, and Cooper's Wiccan initiation—brings celebration, an exhilarating ritual, and unexpected choices for the new witches.
sailing on the sea of stars,
as once more you come to fullness,
turn your shining face to ours.
The second full moon of the month—the blue moon—is a time when powers are heightened, with unpredictable results. When Annie attempts the channeling practice called aspecting, she changes into someone Cooper and Kate hardly recognize. Can their combined strength restore Annie's spirit?
...As the year comes to an ending, in the hour'tween old and new, part the veil and let pass the spirits who would travel through.
As Annie, Kate, and Cooper prepare for Samhain, or Halloween, they are filled with anticipation. It is a time when the veil between the worlds is thin, and those who have passed into the spirit world may be more easily contacted. Those Annie holds dear dwell behind this veil already-will she find them on this eve
...Here within the healing circle,
Bathe in the light and pain dispel,
All that sickens, all that troubles,
Wash away and be made well.
Disillusioned, Cooper abandons the Wiccan circle and Kate and Annie are left without her. But when an illness threatens someone close to one of them, Cooper returns. Can the circle, once broken, ever be restored?
Cooper, Annie, and Kate celebrate the winter solstice in true Wiccan spirit. The threesome joins practitioners of the Craft in a remote, haunted house in the wintry mountains. An unexpected blizzard strikes, and the girls cannot resist the lure of the dark house's shrouded mystery.