Matthew J Grow
Over the past twenty years, more than 12,000 pages of scholarly research on Joseph Smith have been published as part of the Joseph Smith Papers, with thousands more being prepared right now. These pages are filled with insights into Joseph, but most have not yet been shared in a way that makes the accessible to a broader audience. This collection of short essays will help close this gap and bring insights into Joseph to Latter-day saints, both
...4) Joseph Smith's Revelations: A Doctrine and Covenants Study Companion from the Joseph Smith Papers
Joseph Smith's Revelations: A Doctrine and Covenants Study Companion from the Joseph Smith Papers is a compilation and historical study of most of the earliest extant versions of Joseph Smith's revelations now found in the Doctrine and Covenants. Compiled from previous publications of the Joseph Smith Papers, this e-book is designed for those looking to better understand the original text and historical background of these revelations. This book
...The sixth volume of the Documents series, published in 2017, contains personal letters, revelations, discourses, minutes, legal documents, and financial documents, among other documents. The documents in the volume trace the establishment of Far West, Missouri, as the center place of Zion; the spread of Mormon settlements in northwestern Missouri; Joseph Smith's incarceration in Clay County, Missouri; the Saints' expulsion from the state; and initial
...This collection of primary sources opens a window into the fascinating and largely unknown early history of the women's Relief Society of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Published in 2016, the volume provides an authoritative history of the first fifty years of the Relief Society through transcripts of seventy-eight key documents, accompanied by introductions, annotation, and hundreds of biographical sketches.This collection of