Katie McKy
1) Wolf Camp
Maddie's mother agrees to send her daughter to a new camp - Wolf Camp. But when Maddie returns, she seems, well, changed. She snaps at flies, howls at fire trucks, and chases squirrels - on all fours. She quits eating candy and starts eating meat - only meat. And the dog is now afraid of her when she lifts her lip and shows her teeth.
What child hasn't fantasized about being an animal? And what parent hasn't exclaimed over the transformation...
What child hasn't fantasized about being an animal? And what parent hasn't exclaimed over the transformation...
What happens when, one day, a dropped bean is devoured by ten flies, and hundreds of dogs eat cheese fallen from a truck, and thousands of runners begin gulping air, and all the people at home that morning have eggs for breakfast, and then they all fart at once? This hilarious book answers that intriguing question, as readers learn the after-effects of the world's biggest fart on the poor town where it happens, from poodles' curls going limp to elephants...