Peterson's Teens' Guide to College & Career Planning: Your High School Roadmap to College & Career Success is the must-have guide for middle school and high school students as they prepare for life after graduation. Topics include The Big Jump to High School, The First Steps to a Career, Planning Your Education While in High School, Tackling the Tests (ACT, PSAT/NMSQT, SAT, and TOEFL), The College Search, Applying to College, Financial Aid
...Peterson's Don't Break the Bank is the must-have guide for middle school, high school, and college students who want—or need—to learn how to manage their money. Readers will find real-life advice from students as well as expert money-saving tips from financial experts. Chapters include Ways to Earn Your Own Cash Working from Home, Part-Time Jobs and Other Ways to Make Money; Analyzing Your Paycheck; Banking 101; Online Banking
...Peterson's Master the GED 2013 provides practice tests, subject review, and expert tips on how to score high on each GED test. This comprehensive resource includes 3 full-length practice tests, including a Diagnostic Test to determine strengths and weaknesses, with detailed answer explanations. Also includes in-depth review of each GED test subject, Language Arts, Writing; Language Arts, Reading; Social Studies; Science; and Mathematics,
...Peterson's Master the SAT 2012 contains 6 full-length practice tests—all with detailed answer explanations PLUS score-raising SAT strategies and study techniques. Readers will find easy-to-follow lessons covering ALL SAT areas: critical reading, writing, and math. In addition, there are links to for interactive math help—from basic algebra to graphs of linear equations. Peterson's Master the SAT provides
...Peterson's Master the GED 2012 provides practice tests, subject review, and expert tips on how to score high on each GED test. This comprehensive resource includes 3 full-length practice tests, including a Diagnostic Test to determine strengths and weaknesses, with detailed answer explanations. Also includes in-depth review of each GED test subject, Language Arts, Writing; Language Arts, Reading; Social Studies; Science; and Mathematics,
...The admissions process for law, business, medical, or graduate school is more competitive today than ever before. Peterson's How to Write the Perfect Personal Statement provides essential tips on how to create and write personal statements that respond to the questions that appear on the applications of many popular graduate schools. It features 30 actual samples of successful application essays as well as recommendations from admissions
...Peterson's Scholarships, Grants & Prizes 2012 is the must have guide for anyone looking for private aid money to help finance an education. This valuable resource provides up-to-date information on millions of privately funded awards available to college students. The comprehensive scholarship and grant profiles include those awards based on ethnic heritage, talent, employment experience, military service, and other categories, which are
...Peterson's Four-Year Colleges 2012 provides valuable information on more than 2,500 accredited four-year undergraduate institutions in the U.S. and Canada (and many international schools), including campus setting, enrollment, academic programs, entrance difficulty, expenses, student-faculty ratio, application deadlines, contact information, and more. It also includes detailed two-page descriptions, written by admissions personnel, for more
...Jump-start your career and get the ASVAB scores you need with this exhaustively thorough guidebook. Peterson's Master the ASVAB includes more practice tests than any other ASVAB resource, along with profiles of more than 125 military careers. There are extensive details on the AFQT sections (Armed Forces Qualification Test: comprised of two verbal and two math sections) and coverage of all ASVAB test subjects, with dedicated sections for
...How to Get Money for College: Financing Your Future Beyond Federal Aid 2012 is a great resource for anyone looking to supplement his or her federal financial aid package with aid from colleges and universities. This comprehensive directory points the reader to complete and accurate information on need-based and non-need gift aid, loans, work-study, athletic awards, and more. The easy-to-use Colleges-at-a-Glance comparison chart lists the
...The new version of the GRE General Test is designed to better predict your overall performance in grad school, and Peterson's Master the GRE is your one-stop guidebook for preparing for the revised test. This ebook is organized into seven parts that include basic information about the test, a diagnostic and three practice tests, and detailed test prep for the Analytical Writing, Verbal Reasoning, and Quantitative Reasoning sections of the
...12) GED Basics
Peterson's GED Basics provides a quick and thorough way for students to prepare for the GED exam. This essential GED test-prep guide includes hundreds of practice questions, along with subject review and expert test-taking tips on how to score high on each GED test. Readers can quickly find pertinent information about the GED—where to take it, what's on the test, how the test is scored, when results are sent, and if one can take the
...Peterson's The Best Scholarships for the Best Students is here to help ambitious, high-performing students get the most out of the educational process. This guide will help students find honors, awards, and life-changing opportunities. In addition to our descriptive award listings, there are also sections on writing about yourself, preparing a strong curriculum vitae/resume, and obtaining strong letters of recommendation. Peterson's also