Hank Smith
Though ours is a world of uncertainty, there is one unwavering source of support we can turn to for relief. The Savior of the World stands immovable and ever ready to help us through our mortal journey—all that is required is to look unto Him and live.
Look Unto Him, an extraordinary collection of essays and stunning artwork of the Savior's ministry, affords readers a profound glimpse into the ways in which individuals look to Christ
...2) Be Happy
You can be happy—solidly, genuinely happy—no matter what's going on around you, no matter what happens to you, no matter what storm comes along to batter and bruise you. Keep reading, and I'll show you how...
Face it: it's not always easy to feel happy. With all of the worries and trials of day-to-day life, the cares of the world can seem overwhelming. But as popular speaker and author Hank Smith demonstrates, no matter your circumstances,
...3) Real life
12) Unshaken
13) Unconquerable
17) Armor up!
20) Armor Up
"Take upon you my whole armor that ye may be able to withstand the evil day, having done all, that ye may be able to stand." —D&C 27:15
These words are as true today as they were back in 1830 when Joseph Smith received them in revelation—almost more so as today's youth face the growing challenges of our society. But now in this compact yet powerful book, today's most beloved youth speakers explain how wearing that spiritual