Rosemary Sutcliff
"For a child poised between Harry Potter and Tolkien, there really is nothing better than Sutcliff."—The New Yorker
"Rosemary Sutcliff is a spellbinder."—New York Times Book Review
"The preeminent master of British historical fiction for young people."—Kirkus Reviews
Cherished author Rosemary Sutcliff presents three stories of youthful courage and fidelity in ancient times.
The Chief's Daughter: A Welsh
...Roman Britain: Marcus Flavius Aquila, a young centurion is forced into retirement after a wound in his first major engagement against a rebel British tribe. It allows him the freedom to embark upon a dangerous mission to find out what happened to the Ninth Legion which, years before, disappeared in the savage lands of the Picts. Will he find out what happened to the men, led by his father, who never returned? And will he recover the Eagle, the
"There was a smell of blood mingling with the smell of burning that still clung about scorched timber and blackened thatch, and a great wailing rose from the watching crowd. The old High Priest dipped a finger in the blood and made a sign with it on Phaedrus's forehead, above the Mark of the Horse Lord."
So began the ceremony that was to make young Phaedrus, ex-slave and gladiator, Horse Lord of the Dalriadain. Phaedrus
...A white stag and a dagger transform the life of Prosper, a Welsh chieftan's son. With Conn, his bodyservant, he leaves his isolated valley and joins the war band of King Mynyddog the Golden as a shieldbearer. For the Saxons have returned to threaten the northern tribes of Britain, and the Shining Company—a brotherhood of three hundred chosen warriors—must make a desperate attempt to repel invaders.
And with the Company travels