Paul Telegdi
1) Dreamcast 2
In this follow-up to Dreamcast, Travis teams up with Amanda and tries to have a normal life, if only his paranormal sensitivity would let him. He senses dark purposes around him, and knowing what he knows, is compelled by his sense of responsibility to do something about them. Of course, this always gets him into trouble.
In case 1, Travis fights off a murderer who also has paranormal abilities, perhaps more powerful than his own.
...2) Dreamcast 4
In this continuation of the Dreamcast series, Travis fights to preserve his home and family.
In case 11, Amanda has a shaman for a client who turns very, very hostile against her.
In case 12, after a hurricane, Travis looks for abducted girls.
In case 13, Travis serves on a jury.
In case 14, a secret government agency shows interest in Travis and his abilities.
Travis, as always, is conflicted, trying to balance the
...In Where Arrows Fly Justin Macord, a young, renowned archer, returns from years of Crusades in the Holy Land. He travels to Roman Wells to inform his best friend's parents that their son is dead. He has no home to return to and when invited, he decides to stay in town. A bowmaker and fletcher, he sets up shop, and his business soon flourishes. He earns some fame by winning an archery competition.
He falls in love with beautiful Simone,
...4) Dreamcast 3
In this follow-up to the Dreamcast series, using his paranormal abilities, Travis fights crime, albeit often reluctantly.
In case 7, Travis searches for a missing girl.
In case 8, on a holiday cruise, Travis and his family are hijacked by modern-day pirates.
In case 9, after his father's death, Travis has a mental breakdown. While recovering in hospital, he solves a case of body parts smuggling.
In case 10, during a